
LSE Economics Applicant Mentoring Programme (AMP)

Entering a top economics PhD program is a highly competitive and enigmatic process, with success relying on a mix of highly demanding expectations and luck. Navigating this path can be particularly challenging for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds — such as first generation, low income, those from developing countries, and other social minorities — due to knowledge gaps in what makes for a strong PhD application.

To break these informational barriers, we, a group of LSE econ PhD students, now in partnership with graduate students from Cambridge, Oxford, UCL and Warwick, run the Economics Applicant Mentoring Programme (AMP) to offer personalized mentorship to aspiring PhD applicants worldwide.

Learn about the AMP and how to apply here: LSE page and AMP website.

If you are considering an academic career in economics and seek advice on where to start, please feel free to reach out.


Best practices for data cleaning and analysis:

Stata hacks:

Website building and typesetting documents:

Writing economics well:

Job market: